Rinaldi Tools
Peening Anvil, Field Type
Field Peening Anvil by Rinaldi
Item number: RN701
The anvil allows you to keep your Scythe blades strong and sharp. After many hours of scything, a whetstone no longer keeps the blade sharp as the metal on the scythe is worn back to a thicker area of the blade. For this reason, it is necessary to peen the blade with a hammer and anvil.
The Rinaldi Field Peening Anvil is narrow and tall with a 16" body and sharp end that can be mounted into a steady base. The anvil weighs about 1 kg and a tapered edge which is ideal for grass blades. Solid forged from a premium grade single piece of steel, The Rinaldi Field Peening Anvil is crafted to last a life time. The anvil is best for advanced peeners. Beginners should purchase a rounded anvil like those sold at onescytherevolution.com.
Rinaldi Specialist Peening Anvil:
- 1 kg body
- 16" length
- Tapered head
- Easy to mount